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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

We have been enjoying learning about crystals and gemstones here at Yoga With Style as we have added some really neat books, dvds, jewelry and inspirational items all related to the Chakras and healing.  Keep checking back with us as more products related to this area are coming!  

Here is a comprehensive list of gemstone properties - we wanted to share this with our customers:

Gemstone Properties
Amazonite - It inspires truth, sincerity, honor, self love, communication, eloquence,
integrity, trust, clairvoyance, clarity, prophecy and openness.
Amethyst - Known as a stone of the mind, it brings calmness and clarity where there is
anxiety and confusion. It will help you learn of all things spiritual, mystical and psychic. It
can also aid in healing magic, helping to overcome addictions.
Aventurine - Attracting abundance & wealth. Stone of chance or luck. It is also considered
an all purpose healing stone. Another potent stone for relieving stress, anxiety, and emotional
Black Onyx - Enhances steadfastness and determination, setting ones mind to a task. It is
grounding stone, valuable in difficult or confusing times in our lives. Extremely helpful to the
process of "letting go".
Bloodstone - Most often used to instill courage in dangerous situations and protect from
dangerous desires. It is also a powerful healing stone, and helps balance the base, navel and
heart chakras.
Black Tourmaline - Use to represent the element of Earth in your ritual magic, or to
absorb negative energies in protective magic. It is also quite useful for grounding.
Carnelian - An excellent career stone, aiding with choices and decisions. Aids in focusing
and providing motivation. Energizes personal power, and reveals hidden talents.
Citrine - Good for bringing happiness, joy and optimism into your life. Never contains or
holds negative energy, and energizes and improves self esteem, helping to open the mind.
Fushsite Ruby - A variant of fuchsite that contains ruby crystals within it, this stone is
quite useful in trying to reach nature spirits, perform healing magic, or otherwise attract
wealth and prosperity.
Garnet - This rich red stone is often used as a powerful addition to protective magic, as
well as in representing the element of fire or for reaching into deeper reserves of energy.
Jasper - Known as stone of protection, driving away evil, and helping to find compassion,
contentment and courage. Good for astral travel and grounding.
Labradorite - Very good for enhancing night vision, great help in developing the ability
to see auras. Promotes strength of will and a feeling of inner worth about your own abilities,
while relieving insecurity and apprehension about your value as a spiritual being.
Malachite - Very powerful in aiding with the interpretation and transfer of information
that leads to spiritual evolution. Excellent stone for identifying, recognizing and releasing
negative experiences. Represents fidelity in love and friendship.
Moonstone - Helps to soothe and balance the emotions. They assist in the master of your
emotions by bringing them under control of your will, instead of repressing or expressing
them. Represents the great Mother Goddess.
Moss Agate - Foster love, abundance, wealth, good luck, longevity, acceptance, courage,
protection, balance, harmony, generosity, strength, security and appreciation of nature. All
agates have excellent protective and healing energy, and stimulate analytical capabilities
and precision.
Quartz - Stimulates the cooperation of multiple energies toward a common goal. It is a
gentle grounding stone that instills balance and harmony, and can help bring peace to you,
enhancing quiet reflection during meditation without the interference of the thinking mind.
Rainbow Moonstone - Able to attract and inspire love, and help lovers work through
difficult times. It is also a potent aid in divination or psychic practices, helping to reach out
to and access the many and varied paths of the mind.
Rose Quartz - Is a stone of love and healing. Helps heal emotional wounds and pain.
Opens heart to beauty, helping to heal with calming energies by reducing resentments.
Tiger Eye - Excellent grounding stone! If you need to make some changes in your life,
this is the stone for you! Promotes balance and strength to get through difficult phases of
life; relieves doubt and bestows decision making with vision and clarity.
Topaz - Promotes individuality and creativity, while providing self confidence in your
own decisions. Helps to remove doubts about your decisions, and promotes the expression
of ideas. Activates the laws of attraction and manifestation of your desires.


Meg Schrader said...

There are hundreds of varieties of healing quartz crystals. One of my favorites is strawberry quartz. Strawberry quartz stimulates the energy center of the heart, bringing added energy to the quartz, and filing one’s total person with the feeling of love. Strawberry quartz also balances the connections between the physical and the subtle bodies, and stimulates both astral and the psychic system intrinsic to all.